Apr 09, 2023

India's Age of Transformation: An Overview through Mediaeval History

India's Age of Transformation: An Overview through Mediaeval History

In the previous post, we explored the ancient history of India, from the Indus Valley Civilization to Early Vedic Period. 

In this blog, we will continue our journey through Indian history and dive into the mediaeval period. From the 8th to the 18th century, India witnessed the rise and fall of several powerful dynasties, each leaving their mark on the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage. So, without further ado, let's delve into the world of mediaeval India and uncover the secrets of its past.

2) Mediaeval History : Historical events around 1000 B.C - 600 B.C 

The mediaeval period of India , saw a significant rise in culture, music and art forms. And it also experienced lot of migrations of the people. The Vedas were composed and orally transmitted in the old Indo - Aryan language. Along with that Sama Veda samhita, Yajur Veda samhita, Atharva Veda samhita, Brahmanas and Upnishadas of all four Vedas were written. This period also called "The Epic Age" because during this , two great Epics "The Ramayana" and "The Mahabharata" were written. 

Earlier Indo-Aryan settled in the Punjab. Around 1200-1000 B.C the Aryan culture spread eastward to fertile western Gangas , Yamuna and Sadanira plain. The inventions of Iron tool for agriculture purpose was significant characteristics of this era. 

The caste system was another main characteristics of this age. There were four major caste: 

1) The Brahmanas - Made up of those who fulfilled the religious responsibilities.

2) The Kshatriyas - The warrior class who fought in the wars and conflicts. 

3) The Vaishyas - Who pursued agriculture and trade.

4) The Shudras - Who provided social and menial services.

Child marriage , dowry system, polygamy ( man marrying multiple womens ) were also introduced in this period. 

In this blog, we explored the significant changes that occurred during the medieval period in India. From the rise of large kingdoms to the expansion of administration and political systems, the era saw remarkable transformations in economic, social, political, and religious aspects of Indian society. Join me in the next part of this series as we explore the modern history of India. From the British colonial rule to the country's struggle for independence and its journey towards becoming a democratic nation, there is much to uncover and learn about the recent past of India. 

Stay tuned for the next post where we will continue our journey through India's rich and diverse history.

Kamal Rawool Gawde

Kamal Rawool Gawde

Hi, I'm Kamal, a history graduate with a passion for exploring the events of the past. I recently started blogging about various historical events, sharing my insights and discoveries with my readers. In my free time, I enjoy reading history books and learn more about our past. Join me on this journey through time as we uncover fascinating historical facts together!

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